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Group Travel

This is one of our specialities and when it comes to putting together a gay or gay friendly group trip, we have the expertise, time and lots of ideas how to make this really special. From small intimate groups who explore jungles and beaches in Thailand, to bigger groups to join in with something already happening, we've organised many, including recently a large group to Sydney World Pride festival and to the Sheraton Gran Canaria for some very special friends!

Groups can be for your family

Know before you go!

Thailand has a deserved reputation as one of the easiest places to travel in Asia. There’s an amazing amount to see, hassles are limited, English-language signs and menus are commonplace, and you can get around easily, at almost any time of day or night. However, there are a few things every traveller should know. Here are our top tips for making the most of your trip. And if you need some additional help, that's what we are here for - contact us and ask. It's costs nothing!

1. Rainy seas

Travel Insurance

Let’s try and make this simple - If you’re travelling abroad, it's extremely important to take out travel insurance before you go. Cover should include items like travel delays and travel cancellations, good medical and accident cover, including repatriation to your home country, and things like lost and delayed baggage and theft.
Hospital bills can amount to tens of thousands of US dollars, GBP pounds or Euros.

What to consider when you buy travel insurance
• emergency treatment and

Respect The Thai Royal Family

In many Western countries, it’s normal for people to make fun of, or criticize national figureheads, even royalty. Thailand, however, has extremely strict laws called lese-majeste, under which people can receive long prison sentences for insulting its monarchy.

Like the UK, Japan, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands, to name a few, Thailand is a constitutional monarchy. This means it has a government, but it’s head of State is a royal figure. In Thailand’s case, that is King Maha Vajiral

Stay away from Drugs!

Thailand's drug laws are very strict, except for marijuana, of course, which is now legal, albeit with some restrictions on public use and age limit.

You are not permitted to use cannabis in public, only in the privacy of your own home. Most hotels and apartment will not permit the use of cannabis on their premises.

Narcotic & psychotropic drugs, however, are still very much illegal.

Class A drugs like heroin, cocaine, LSD, or Ketamine will land you in the slammer for a considerable am